Remote learning

Please find an update with regards to Remote Learning
The education contingency framework will now be implemented across all London boroughs. This means London primary schools will be required to provide remote learning to all children. Vulnerable and critical worker children will continue to attend school.
The government on Wednesday 30th December, responded to rapidly rising case rates due to the new, more transmissible variant of coronavirus by triggering the education contingency framework. Primary schools are now not expected to return until around mid February, but this is to be confirmed by central government.
Our schools will be open for critical workers and vulnerable children on site as usual, and our schools will contact you regarding these places. For all other children, our schools are 'open remotely' and each school will contact you with logins for your child to access our virtual school.
If you have any questions regarding our virtual school, please do contact our schools for further assistance.
Please do take care and stay safe.
Mr Rose